AG/CAD 的包装设计软件和数字切割机
为什么选择 AG/CAD 作为您的包装或标志和图形业务的供应商?
我们一直在内部开发包装设计软件超过 35 年,并以创建强大、易于使用的软件而闻名,这些软件由优秀、响应迅速的客户支持和培训师提供支持。 您的业务对我们很重要,这就是为什么我们有这么多不会考虑其他任何人的长期客户。我们的客户怎么说
“KASEMAKE is intuitive and easy to use. Not having a requirement to create construction lines means not having to duplicate work as with alternative software packages. This is just one example of improved usability!” Zeus Packaging
“I have worked with AG/CAD software and equipment for several years and the advancement in the technology has been amazing. It is fantastic to have design software and cutting tables that are responsive, agile, and efficient allowing us to create award-winning designs that support our customer requirements for sustainable packaging solutions.” Boxes and Packaging (Leicester)
“KASEMAKE CAD software and the Parametric feature have eliminated our need for an external design service. The KASEMAKE package is very comprehensive, and we can rapidly generate our own designs as well as transferring customer files straight to our DYSS digital cutter for immediate processing. By eliminating external design services, the KASEMAKE package is saving us over £500 per month.” Advanced Packaging
“We utilise KASEMAKE throughout the company. The 3D function is a great sales aid! Customer confidence is improved with the ability to view a virtual printed mock up, prior to manufacturing expensive flexographic plates and tooling.” Belmont Packaging
“The choice of CAD software was straight forward. KASEMAKE is the proven CAD standard for the packaging industry. With parametric drawings, waste reporting, theoretical performance and 3D rendering built in, KASEMAKE is the most productive and user-friendly package available.” Macfarlane Packaging (Manchester)
“Designing new parts with KASEMAKE helps cut the amount of waste produced and increases productivity. Trim items are often run as multipart sets. I find it easy to manipulate and nest complex shaped items into sensible layouts that best use roll stock material. Parts are butted up to each other to save material, this also makes it easy for the end user to identify. We often use cut files generated in KASEMAKE to create fitting instructions for customers.” Britpart
通过为您完成大部分结构设计、增强可视化并支持图形设计应用程序文件格式,KASEMAKE 帮助设计师以更少的工作量和更多的创造力创建高质量的包装。
包装设计变得越来越复杂,在美学与功能以及对精度和结构完整性的需求之间取得平衡。此外,客户需要更多创新设计,哇!KASEMAKE 是包装设计的专业软件,可简化这一过程,帮助设计师和制造商实现高效和令人惊叹的结果。以下是 KASEMAKE 简化包装设计的方法:
使用 KASEMAKE Layout 软件最大限度地提高材料效率
KASEMAKE 包括自动布局功能,可帮助用户以最有效的配置安排设计。
在创建包装、展示单元、贴纸、垫圈或任何其他项目时,有效地使用您的材料将对盈利能力和可持续性产生巨大影响。KASEMAKE及其以切割机为导向的替代方案K-CUT Vision Pro提供的工具可以在板材上排列图纸,以最大限度地利用材料,确保您从使用的每张板材或材料中获得最佳产量。
使用 DYSS 数字切割机切割卷筒介质
DYSS 数字切割机可加工乙烯基贴纸、横幅和其他卷筒纸介质,其功能可简化重复作业的切割,并轻松处理比桌床更长的作业。
DYSS 数字切割机作为处理乙烯基贴纸、横幅和其他卷筒纸介质的多功能解决方案脱颖而出,其功能可简化重复作业的切割,并轻松处理比桌子床更长的作业。